4 Electrode Health Care Tens Acupuncture Electric Therapy Messager
You can enjoy the Magical Experience of using the electric current to stimulate the nerves on your body. It Must be Amazing!!!
Applicable for indication stiff shoulder, neural paralysis, neuralgia, shank ache, whole body fatigue, stomachache, Hypertension, Cervical, Hypnogenesis, vertebra neck ache, per arthritis, toothache, and various acute chronic etc.
Easy to carry, suitable for office, hospital, home, and travel use, ideal complement for life
A Great Choice for Individual daily health care based on its 8 Outstanding Optional Functions:
1. Acupuncture, 2. Stroke, 3.Massage, 4.Cupping, 5. Manipulation, 6. Scrapping, 7. Weight Reducing, 8. Immune Therapy.
1x Therapy Body Massager with Therapy 4pads
20x Extra Therapy pads (optional)